NOTE: SIT will make every effort to maintain its programs as described. To respond to emergent situations, like COVID-19, SIT may have to modify programs. Visit the SIT website for more details.
Examine the social and economic development strategies of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
Program Highlights
- Spend six weeks in Buenos Aires.
- Rapidly improve your Spanish.
- Explore economic and social realities of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) countries.
- Discuss similarities and differences among these four countries and important transnational and regional processes.
- Learn about the introduction of genetically modified seeds and the social, environmental, and economic impacts of mono cropping.
- Customize the program to meet your goals by choosing between an internship or independent research.
Please visit the SIT Study Abroad website for details on program courses (including syllabi), educational excursions, and housing.
Independent Study
During the final four weeks of the program, you can choose to use your new language and cultural skills and the academic knowledge you have acquired to complete an Independent Study Project (ISP) on a topic of interest to you.
The ISP is conducted in Buenos Aires or another approved location appropriate to the project. The project integrates the various components of the program and culminates in a final presentation and formal research paper. One of the many advantages of this program is the wide range of themes that can be explored through the region.
Sample topics:
- Bilateral government-owned development projects
- Immigration policy changes
- Development of corporate social responsibility
- Women’s political participation
- Changes in political participation
- Eliminating child labor
- Sustainability of agricultural export production
- Gender issues
If you choose to complete an internship during the final weeks of this program, you will be placed with a local community organization, research organization, or international NGO in Argentina or Paraguay where you will gain work experience and develop professional skills. Many of these organizations are leaders in key development issues in the country or the region. Their work focuses on indigenous rights, LGBTQI rights, women’s development projects, migration, and transnational impacts. You may help in fundraising activities, social media, and/or in daily activities such as helping mothers and children in soup kitchens.
In addition to completing the internship, you will submit a paper that addresses your learning experience and analyzing an issue important to the organization. You may also choose to design a socially responsible solution to a problem identified by the organization.
Topics and placements vary according to each institution. Examples of internship placements and topics include:
- Centro de Análisis y Difusión de la Economía Paraguaya – Macroeconomy; international economy; poverty and employment; entrepreneurship; micro, small, and medium businesses; and regional development
- Centro de Documentación y Estudios – Sustainable development, women’s rights, transnationalism, chains of care and sexual reproductive rights, political participation
- Grupo Sunu | de Acción Intercultural – Intercultural relations
- Conamuri Paraguay – Peasants’ and indigenous women’s rights, agroecology, transnational social movements
Key Topics of Study
- Social realities and changing political frameworks in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay
- Top-down transnational processes that include regional integration through state-led institutions such as MERCOSUR (Mercado Común del Sur / Southern Common Market), UNASUR (Unión de Naciones Suramericanas/Union of South American Nations) and others
- Grassroots transnational processes such as migration in the region and political and social movements.
- Theory and development practice from economic, environmental, and human perspectives.
Money Matters
Be sure to discuss how study abroad costs are handled at your school with your study abroad advisor.
SIT tuition and room and board fees include the following:
All educational costs, including educational excursions
- All accommodations and meals for the full program duration
- Transportation to and from the airport, and on all educational excursions
- Health and accident insurance
- SIT awards nearly $1.6 million in scholarships and grants annually.
- All scholarships and grants are need-based.
- Awards generally range from $500 to $5,000.
- The SIT Pell Grant Match provides matching grants to all students receiving Federal Pell Grant funding when it is applied to an SIT Study Abroad semester program.
- Contact the financial aid and/or study abroad office(s) at your college or university to learn if your school’s scholarships and grants and federal and state aid programs can be applied to an SIT Study Abroad program.
Contact SIT Study Abroad